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Lab: Choropleth Maps

1 Lab: Choropleth Maps

A visualisation often shown is a choropleth. This is a series of spatial polygons (such as states in the USA) which are coloured by a feature, like the one below.

A choropleth map showing CO2 emissions by country as compared to world average. Source Our World in Data

In this lab, we will look at creating choropleths of polling data in the recent USA election, and how maps can sometimes be deceptive (as well as how to detect -and avoid- such techniques). To do so, we will be using geopandas for the geospatial features, and altair for the maps’ visualisations.

About geopandas

geopandas is a very specific and complex library that is not installed by default in Anaconda, so normally you would need to install it (and its multiple dependencies) by yourselves. If you are using the course’s virtual environment, this should be installed for you the first time you set up your environment for the module. Refer to sec-setup for instructions on how to set up your environment.

1.1 Data preparations

We will be loading two datasets:

  1. geo_states: contains the geospatial polygons of the states in America, but does not contain any data about USA elections;
  2. df_polls: the polling data we used in the last notebook, but does not have any geospatial polygons (you can find more information about every variable here).
In [1]:
import geopandas as gpd 
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt

geo_states = gpd.read_file('data/gz_2010_us_040_00_500k.json')
df_polls = pd.read_csv('data/presidential_poll_averages_2020.csv')

Let’s explore the data first:

In [2]:
0 0400000US23 23 Maine 30842.923 MULTIPOLYGON (((-67.61976 44.51975, -67.61541 ...
1 0400000US25 25 Massachusetts 7800.058 MULTIPOLYGON (((-70.83204 41.60650, -70.82373 ...
2 0400000US26 26 Michigan 56538.901 MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.68443 48.11579, -88.67563 ...
3 0400000US30 30 Montana 145545.801 POLYGON ((-104.05770 44.99743, -104.25015 44.9...
4 0400000US32 32 Nevada 109781.180 POLYGON ((-114.05060 37.00040, -114.04999 36.9...

This seems like a regular data frame, but there’s a feature that stands out from the others: geometry. This feature contains the coordinates thar define the polygons (or multipolygons) for every region in the map, in this case, every State in the USA. This is also an indicator that we are not using a regular dataframe, but a particular type of dataframe called GeoDataFrame:

In [3]:

Because this is a geospatial dataframe, we can visualise it as a map. In this case, we are going to use Altair to create a map using the AlbersUsa projection.

In [4]:
alt.Chart(geo_states, title='US states').mark_geoshape().encode(

And now the polls’ result:

In [5]:
cycle state modeldate candidate_name pct_estimate pct_trend_adjusted
0 2020 Wyoming 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 30.81486 30.82599
1 2020 Wisconsin 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 52.12642 52.09584
2 2020 West Virginia 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 33.49125 33.51517
3 2020 Washington 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 59.34201 59.39408
4 2020 Virginia 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 53.74120 53.72101
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
29080 2020 Connecticut 2/27/2020 Donald Trump 33.66370 34.58325
29081 2020 Colorado 2/27/2020 Donald Trump 44.27899 44.07662
29082 2020 California 2/27/2020 Donald Trump 34.66504 34.69761
29083 2020 Arizona 2/27/2020 Donald Trump 47.79450 48.07208
29084 2020 Alabama 2/27/2020 Donald Trump 59.15000 59.14228

29085 rows × 6 columns

As you can see, modeldate has different dates. Let’s double check that:

In [6]:
array(['11/3/2020', '11/2/2020', '11/1/2020', '10/31/2020', '10/30/2020',
       '10/29/2020', '10/28/2020', '10/27/2020', '10/26/2020',
       '10/25/2020', '10/24/2020', '10/23/2020', '10/22/2020',
       '10/21/2020', '10/20/2020', '10/19/2020', '10/18/2020',
       '10/17/2020', '10/16/2020', '10/15/2020', '10/14/2020',
       '10/13/2020', '10/12/2020', '10/11/2020', '10/10/2020',
       '10/9/2020', '10/8/2020', '10/7/2020', '10/6/2020', '10/5/2020',
       '10/4/2020', '10/3/2020', '10/2/2020', '10/1/2020', '9/30/2020',
       '9/29/2020', '9/28/2020', '9/27/2020', '9/26/2020', '9/25/2020',
       '9/24/2020', '9/23/2020', '9/22/2020', '9/21/2020', '9/20/2020',
       '9/19/2020', '9/18/2020', '9/17/2020', '9/16/2020', '9/15/2020',
       '9/14/2020', '9/13/2020', '9/12/2020', '9/11/2020', '9/10/2020',
       '9/9/2020', '9/8/2020', '9/7/2020', '9/6/2020', '9/5/2020',
       '9/4/2020', '9/3/2020', '9/2/2020', '9/1/2020', '8/31/2020',
       '8/30/2020', '8/29/2020', '8/28/2020', '8/27/2020', '8/26/2020',
       '8/25/2020', '8/24/2020', '8/23/2020', '8/22/2020', '8/21/2020',
       '8/20/2020', '8/19/2020', '8/18/2020', '8/17/2020', '8/16/2020',
       '8/15/2020', '8/14/2020', '8/13/2020', '8/12/2020', '8/11/2020',
       '8/10/2020', '8/9/2020', '8/8/2020', '8/7/2020', '8/6/2020',
       '8/5/2020', '8/4/2020', '8/3/2020', '8/2/2020', '8/1/2020',
       '7/31/2020', '7/30/2020', '7/29/2020', '7/28/2020', '7/27/2020',
       '7/26/2020', '7/25/2020', '7/24/2020', '7/23/2020', '7/22/2020',
       '7/21/2020', '7/20/2020', '7/19/2020', '7/18/2020', '7/17/2020',
       '7/16/2020', '7/15/2020', '7/14/2020', '7/13/2020', '7/12/2020',
       '7/11/2020', '7/10/2020', '7/9/2020', '7/8/2020', '7/7/2020',
       '7/6/2020', '7/5/2020', '7/4/2020', '7/3/2020', '7/2/2020',
       '7/1/2020', '6/30/2020', '6/29/2020', '6/28/2020', '6/27/2020',
       '6/26/2020', '6/25/2020', '6/24/2020', '6/23/2020', '6/22/2020',
       '6/21/2020', '6/20/2020', '6/19/2020', '6/18/2020', '6/17/2020',
       '6/16/2020', '6/15/2020', '6/14/2020', '6/13/2020', '6/12/2020',
       '6/11/2020', '6/10/2020', '6/9/2020', '6/8/2020', '6/7/2020',
       '6/6/2020', '6/5/2020', '6/4/2020', '6/3/2020', '6/2/2020',
       '6/1/2020', '5/31/2020', '5/30/2020', '5/29/2020', '5/28/2020',
       '5/27/2020', '5/26/2020', '5/25/2020', '5/24/2020', '5/23/2020',
       '5/22/2020', '5/21/2020', '5/20/2020', '5/19/2020', '5/18/2020',
       '5/17/2020', '5/16/2020', '5/15/2020', '5/14/2020', '5/13/2020',
       '5/12/2020', '5/11/2020', '5/10/2020', '5/9/2020', '5/8/2020',
       '5/7/2020', '5/6/2020', '5/5/2020', '5/4/2020', '5/3/2020',
       '5/2/2020', '5/1/2020', '4/30/2020', '4/29/2020', '4/28/2020',
       '4/27/2020', '4/26/2020', '4/25/2020', '4/24/2020', '4/23/2020',
       '4/22/2020', '4/21/2020', '4/20/2020', '4/19/2020', '4/18/2020',
       '4/17/2020', '4/16/2020', '4/15/2020', '4/14/2020', '4/13/2020',
       '4/12/2020', '4/11/2020', '4/10/2020', '4/9/2020', '4/8/2020',
       '4/7/2020', '4/6/2020', '4/5/2020', '4/4/2020', '4/3/2020',
       '4/2/2020', '4/1/2020', '3/31/2020', '3/30/2020', '3/29/2020',
       '3/28/2020', '3/27/2020', '3/26/2020', '3/25/2020', '3/24/2020',
       '3/23/2020', '3/22/2020', '3/21/2020', '3/20/2020', '3/19/2020',
       '3/18/2020', '3/17/2020', '3/16/2020', '3/15/2020', '3/14/2020',
       '3/13/2020', '3/12/2020', '3/11/2020', '3/10/2020', '3/9/2020',
       '3/8/2020', '3/7/2020', '3/6/2020', '3/5/2020', '3/4/2020',
       '3/3/2020', '3/2/2020', '3/1/2020', '2/29/2020', '2/28/2020',
       '2/27/2020'], dtype=object)

1.1.1 Filtering

That means, that we will need to filter our poll data to a specific date, in this case 11/2/2020

In [7]:
df_nov = df_polls[
    (df_polls.modeldate == '11/3/2020')

df_nov_states = df_nov[
    (df_nov.candidate_name == 'Donald Trump') |
    (df_nov.candidate_name == 'Joseph R. Biden Jr.')

cycle state modeldate candidate_name pct_estimate pct_trend_adjusted
0 2020 Wyoming 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 30.81486 30.82599
1 2020 Wisconsin 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 52.12642 52.09584
2 2020 West Virginia 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 33.49125 33.51517
3 2020 Washington 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 59.34201 59.39408
4 2020 Virginia 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 53.74120 53.72101
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
107 2020 California 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 32.28521 32.43615
108 2020 Arkansas 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 58.39097 58.94886
109 2020 Arizona 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 46.11074 46.10181
110 2020 Alaska 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 50.99835 51.23236
111 2020 Alabama 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 57.36153 57.36126

112 rows × 6 columns

1.1.2 Computing percentages

We want to put the percentage estimates for each candidate onto the map. First, let us create a dataframe containing the data for each candidate.

In [8]:
# Create separate data frame for Trump and Biden
trump_data = df_nov_states[
    df_nov_states.candidate_name == 'Donald Trump'

biden_data = df_nov_states[
    df_nov_states.candidate_name == 'Joseph R. Biden Jr.'

1.1.3 Joining data

As we have seen before, we have two datasets that partially address our needs: geo_states contains the geospatial polygons of the states in America, but lacks data about USA elections; df_polls contains data about USA elections but lacks geometry.

We will need to combine both (joining) to create a (geospatial)dataframe that contains geometry AND polling data so we can create a choropleth map capable of answering our question: who is winning the elections?

To do so, we need to join both dataframes using a common feature. Our spatial and poll data have the name of the state in common, but their columns have different names.

We could rename the columns names, and then join them with pd.merge() but instead, we are going to use a less destructive way.

We can join the geospatial data and poll data using pd.merge() while providing different column names by using left_on for the left data (usually the geodataframe) and right_on for the right dataframe. We will be using this method, as it doesn’t require to rename columns.

In [9]:
# Add the poll data (divided in two data frames) to a single geospatial dataframe.
geo_states_trump = geo_states.merge(
    trump_data, left_on = 'NAME', right_on = 'state')

geo_states_biden = geo_states.merge(
    biden_data, left_on = 'NAME', right_on = 'state')
In [10]:
GEO_ID STATE NAME LSAD CENSUSAREA geometry cycle state modeldate candidate_name pct_estimate pct_trend_adjusted
0 0400000US23 23 Maine 30842.923 MULTIPOLYGON (((-67.61976 44.51975, -67.61541 ... 2020 Maine 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 40.34410 40.31588
1 0400000US25 25 Massachusetts 7800.058 MULTIPOLYGON (((-70.83204 41.60650, -70.82373 ... 2020 Massachusetts 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 28.56164 28.86275
2 0400000US26 26 Michigan 56538.901 MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.68443 48.11579, -88.67563 ... 2020 Michigan 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 43.20577 43.23326
3 0400000US30 30 Montana 145545.801 POLYGON ((-104.05770 44.99743, -104.25015 44.9... 2020 Montana 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 49.74744 49.78661
4 0400000US32 32 Nevada 109781.180 POLYGON ((-114.05060 37.00040, -114.04999 36.9... 2020 Nevada 11/3/2020 Donald Trump 44.32982 44.36094
In [11]:
GEO_ID STATE NAME LSAD CENSUSAREA geometry cycle state modeldate candidate_name pct_estimate pct_trend_adjusted
0 0400000US23 23 Maine 30842.923 MULTIPOLYGON (((-67.61976 44.51975, -67.61541 ... 2020 Maine 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 53.31518 53.32106
1 0400000US25 25 Massachusetts 7800.058 MULTIPOLYGON (((-70.83204 41.60650, -70.82373 ... 2020 Massachusetts 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 64.36328 64.62505
2 0400000US26 26 Michigan 56538.901 MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.68443 48.11579, -88.67563 ... 2020 Michigan 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 51.17806 51.15482
3 0400000US30 30 Montana 145545.801 POLYGON ((-104.05770 44.99743, -104.25015 44.9... 2020 Montana 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 45.34418 45.36695
4 0400000US32 32 Nevada 109781.180 POLYGON ((-114.05060 37.00040, -114.04999 36.9... 2020 Nevada 11/3/2020 Joseph R. Biden Jr. 49.62386 49.65657

Joe Biden is clearly winning. Can we make it look like he is not?

1.2 Data visualisation

We can plot this specifying the feature to use for our colour.

In [12]:
alt.Chart(geo_states_trump, title='Poll estimate for Donald Trump on 11/3/2020').mark_geoshape().encode(
    tooltip=['NAME', 'pct_estimate']
Figure 1.1: ?(caption)

1.2.1 Binning

To smooth out any differences we can bin our data.

In the case below, we will be binning based on a single value (step):

In [13]:
alt.Chart(geo_states_trump, title='Poll estimate for Donald Trump on 11/3/2020').mark_geoshape().encode(
    alt.Color('pct_estimate', bin=alt.Bin(step=35)),
    tooltip=['NAME', 'pct_estimate']
Your turn

How would you interpret the plot above? What would change if we change the value of the step?

What about if we increase the binstep so we have more bins?

In [14]:
alt.Chart(geo_states_trump, title='Poll estimate for Donald Trump on 11/3/2020').mark_geoshape().encode(
    alt.Color('pct_estimate', bin=alt.Bin(step=5)),
    tooltip=['NAME', 'pct_estimate']
Your turn

Try different step sizes for the bins and consider how bins can shape our interpretation of the data. What would happen if plots with different bin sizes were placed side to side?

To add further confusion, what happens when we log scale the data?

In [15]:
alt.Chart(geo_states_trump, title='Poll estimate for Donald Trump on 11/3/2020').mark_geoshape().encode(
    alt.Color('pct_estimate', bin=alt.Bin(step=5), scale=alt.Scale(type='log')),
    tooltip=['NAME', 'pct_estimate']


In [16]:
alt.Chart(geo_states_biden, title='Poll estimate for Joe Biden on 11/3/2020').mark_geoshape().encode(
    alt.Color('pct_estimate', bin=alt.Bin(step=5), scale=alt.Scale(type='log')),
    tooltip=['NAME', 'pct_estimate']

What is happening here?!?!

1.2.2 Colour palettes

Next up, what about the colours we use and the range of values assigned to each color? Code inspired by/taken from here.

In [17]:
alt.Chart(geo_states_trump, title='Poll estimate for Donal Trump on 11/3/2020').mark_geoshape().encode(
              domain=[10, 40, 50, 55, 60, 61, 62],
    tooltip=['NAME', 'pct_estimate']

Compare that with

In [18]:
alt.Chart(geo_states_trump, title='Poll estimate for Donald Trump on 11/3/2020').mark_geoshape().encode(
              domain=[10, 20, 30, 35, 68, 70, 100],
    tooltip=['NAME', 'pct_estimate']

1.2.3 Legends

My goodness! So what have we played around with?

  • Transforming our scale using log
  • Binning our data to smooth out variances
  • Altering our colour scheme and the ranges for each colour

… what about if we remove the legend?

In [19]:
alt.Chart(geo_states_trump, title='Poll estimate for Donald Trump on 11/3/2020').mark_geoshape().encode(
              domain=[10, 20, 30, 35, 68, 70, 100],
    tooltip=['NAME', 'pct_estimate']

Good luck trying to interpret that. Though we often see maps without legends and with questionable colour schemes on TV.

Food for thought

How do you think choropleths should be displayed? What information does a use need to understand the message communicated in these plots?