21  Lab: Working with multiple models

In this notebook, we will look at the London Borough data that we already encountered when we worked with the London Borough profiles and the Borough Cards that we utilised in the session.

You can have a look at the data through this online tool provided by GLA: https://data.london.gov.uk/london-area-profiles/

However, unlike the data that we explored during the session, this data set has several features (i.e., columns or variables), 76 of them to be precise.

What we would like to do in this notebook is to make use of a dimension reduction algorithm – Multidimensional Scaling – to help us create various different “spaces”. Each of these space will be a different way of “seeing this data” and if we adopt the language from Scott Page (2018), they will have different “attentions”.

What the following exercise will do is to walk you through the variables of this data set through a few visualisations. It will then create a few different projections and will give them some names. What we expect you to do is to create your own projections and try to interpret them.

If you want to be reminded of what MDS is, you can have a look at the slides from last week. In a super tiny nutshell, MDS tries to create a space where “real” distances in the data are preserved as much as possible while “projecting” the data elements on a lower dimensional space. For instance, the following is from the slide deck:

An MDS plot of cities.

What we see here are a few cities that would normally “exist” in our 3-dimensional world and the distances between them would normally be on this spherical coordinate system. But we create here is a 2D map and the distances between cities are preserved as much as possible. Near cities in the world are closer, and the further ones are further but not as accurate as it is in the world. The dimensions here carry no real meaning it is the distances that will “tell a story” (if there is one).

OK, let’s get on with the data now.

21.1 Data exploration and wrangling

import warnings

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_excel('data/london-borough-profilesV3.xlsx', engine = 'openpyxl')
Index(['Code', 'Area/INDICATOR', 'Inner/ Outer London',
       'GLA Population Estimate 2013', 'GLA Household Estimate 2013',
       'Inland Area (Hectares)', 'Population density (per hectare) 2013',
       'Average Age, 2013', 'Proportion of population aged 0-15, 2013',
       'Proportion of population of working-age, 2013',
       'Proportion of population aged 65 and over, 2013',
       '% of resident population born abroad (2013)',
       'Largest migrant population by country of birth (2013)',
       '% of largest migrant population (2013)',
       'Second largest migrant population by country of birth (2013)',
       '% of second largest migrant population (2013)',
       'Third largest migrant population by country of birth (2013)',
       '% of third largest migrant population (2013)',
       '% of population from BAME groups (2013)',
       '% people aged 3+ whose main language is not English (2011 census)',
       'Overseas nationals entering the UK (NINo), (2013/14)',
       'New migrant (NINo) rates, (2013/14)', 'Employment rate (%) (2013/14)',
       'Male employment rate (2013/14)', 'Female employment rate (2013/14)',
       'Unemployment rate (2013/14)', 'Youth Unemployment rate (2013/14)',
       'Proportion of 16-18 year olds who are NEET (%) (2013)',
       'Proportion of the working-age population who claim benefits (%) (Feb-2014)',
       '% working-age with a disability (2012)',
       'Proportion of working age people with no qualifications (%) 2013',
       'Proportion of working age people in London with degree or equivalent and above (%) 2013',
       'Gross Annual Pay, (2013)', 'Gross Annual Pay - Male (2013)',
       'Gross Annual Pay - Female (2013)',
       '% adults that volunteered in past 12 months (2010/11 to 2012/13)',
       'Number of jobs by workplace (2012)',
       '% of employment that is in public sector (2012)', 'Jobs Density, 2012',
       'Number of active businesses, 2012',
       'Two-year business survival rates 2012',
       'Crime rates per thousand population 2013/14',
       'Fires per thousand population (2013)',
       'Ambulance incidents per hundred population (2013)',
       'Median House Price, 2013',
       'Average Band D Council Tax charge (£), 2014/15',
       'New Homes (net) 2012/13', 'Homes Owned outright, (2013) %',
       'Being bought with mortgage or loan, (2013) %',
       'Rented from Local Authority or Housing Association, (2013) %',
       'Rented from Private landlord, (2013) %',
       '% of area that is Greenspace, 2005', 'Total carbon emissions (2012)',
       'Household Waste Recycling Rate, 2012/13',
       'Number of cars, (2011 Census)',
       'Number of cars per household, (2011 Census)',
       '% of adults who cycle at least once per month, 2011/12',
       'Average Public Transport Accessibility score, 2012',
       'Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010 Rank of Average Score',
       'Income Support claimant rate (Feb-14)',
       '% children living in out-of-work families (2013)',
       'Achievement of 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths, 2012/13',
       'Rates of Children Looked After (2013)',
       '% of pupils whose first language is not English (2014)',
       'Male life expectancy, (2010-12)', 'Female life expectancy, (2010-12)',
       'Teenage conception rate (2012)',
       'Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10)',
       'Worthwhileness score 2012-13 (out of 10)',
       'Happiness score 2012-13 (out of 10)',
       'Anxiety score 2012-13 (out of 10)', 'Political control in council',
       'Proportion of seats won by Conservatives in 2014 election',
       'Proportion of seats won by Labour in 2014 election',
       'Proportion of seats won by Lib Dems in 2014 election',
       'Turnout at 2014 local elections'],
Code Area/INDICATOR Inner/ Outer London GLA Population Estimate 2013 GLA Household Estimate 2013 Inland Area (Hectares) Population density (per hectare) 2013 Average Age, 2013 Proportion of population aged 0-15, 2013 Proportion of population of working-age, 2013 ... Teenage conception rate (2012) Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10) Worthwhileness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Happiness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Anxiety score 2012-13 (out of 10) Political control in council Proportion of seats won by Conservatives in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Labour in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Lib Dems in 2014 election Turnout at 2014 local elections
0 E09000001 City of London Inner London 8000 4514.371383 290.4 27.525868 41.303887 7.948036 77.541617 ... . 8.10 8.23 7.44 x NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 E09000002 Barking and Dagenham Outer London 195600 73261.408580 3610.8 54.160527 33.228935 26.072939 63.835021 ... 35.4 7.06 7.57 6.97 3.3 Lab 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 38.16
2 E09000003 Barnet Outer London 370000 141385.794900 8674.8 42.651374 36.896246 20.886408 65.505593 ... 14.7 7.35 7.79 7.27 2.63 Cons 50.793651 42.857143 1.587302 41.1
3 E09000004 Bexley Outer London 236500 94701.226400 6058.1 39.044243 38.883039 20.282830 63.146450 ... 25.8 7.47 7.75 7.21 3.22 Cons 71.428571 23.809524 0.000000 not avail
4 E09000005 Brent Outer London 320200 114318.553900 4323.3 74.063670 35.262694 20.462585 68.714872 ... 19.6 7.23 7.32 7.09 3.33 Lab 9.523810 88.888889 1.587302 33
5 E09000006 Bromley Outer London 317400 134012.675100 15013.5 21.137655 39.844502 19.648001 62.927051 ... 24.2 7.63 7.80 7.36 3.2 Cons 85.000000 11.666667 0.000000 not avail
6 E09000007 Camden Inner London 228400 100841.916500 2178.9 104.820985 35.842413 15.632617 73.313473 ... 18.1 7.22 7.37 7.13 3.25 Lab 22.222222 74.074074 1.851852 38.69
7 E09000008 Croydon Outer London 373100 150053.929000 8650.4 43.129707 36.570761 21.641888 65.638589 ... 28.6 7.00 7.46 7.11 3.02 Lab 42.857143 57.142857 0.000000 38
8 E09000009 Ealing Outer London 344900 126860.977600 5554.4 62.089808 35.637099 20.642035 68.216689 ... 22.4 7.24 7.48 7.44 3.58 Lab 17.391304 76.811594 5.797101 41.3
9 E09000010 Enfield Outer London 322400 124601.954700 8083.2 39.888486 36.062871 22.182556 65.114934 ... 26.4 7.18 7.57 7.41 2.51 Lab 34.920635 65.079365 0.000000 37.79
10 E09000011 Greenwich Outer London 262800 104999.593900 4733.4 55.516088 34.737054 21.754144 67.650982 ... 34.7 7.16 7.49 7.05 3.68 Lab 15.686275 84.313725 0.000000 37.25
11 E09000012 Hackney Inner London 256600 106655.687500 1904.9 134.717347 32.624060 20.513252 72.376652 ... 28.8 7.07 7.42 7.02 3.61 Lab 7.017544 87.719298 5.263158 42.89
12 E09000013 Hammersmith and Fulham Inner London 181000 79688.691790 1639.7 110.384364 34.933408 16.764645 73.768103 ... 25.6 7.23 7.60 6.94 3.15 Lab 43.478261 56.521739 0.000000 38
13 E09000014 Haringey Inner London 263100 105459.284200 2959.8 88.883425 34.384912 19.877305 71.199466 ... 33.1 7.20 7.44 7.13 3.07 Lab 0.000000 84.210526 15.789474 38.1
14 E09000015 Harrow Outer London 245900 86968.599850 5046.3 48.722544 37.695216 20.110244 65.413384 ... 14.2 7.34 7.53 7.35 3.17 Lab 41.269841 53.968254 1.587302 41
15 E09000016 Havering Outer London 242600 99202.437800 11235.0 21.589910 40.296140 18.781558 62.788014 ... 26.4 7.40 7.65 7.24 3.17 No Overall Control 40.740741 1.851852 0.000000 43
16 E09000017 Hillingdon Outer London 287500 104650.805600 11570.1 24.851919 36.171629 20.911751 66.121424 ... 27.7 7.35 7.63 7.34 3.34 Cons 64.615385 35.384615 0.000000 35.76
17 E09000018 Hounslow Outer London 264300 98840.744350 5597.8 47.209459 35.263763 20.616902 68.542073 ... 30.4 7.30 7.60 7.29 3.51 Lab 18.333333 81.666667 0.000000 36.8
18 E09000019 Islington Inner London 215900 97616.282240 1485.7 145.324910 34.419467 15.863559 75.457376 ... 30.1 7.08 7.22 6.85 3.74 Lab 0.000000 97.916667 0.000000 38.4
19 E09000020 Kensington and Chelsea Inner London 155700 77210.897790 1212.4 128.427401 38.308554 15.908516 70.878237 ... 17.7 7.68 7.92 7.51 3.06 Cons 74.000000 24.000000 2.000000 not avail
20 E09000021 Kingston upon Thames Outer London 166400 65782.630740 3726.1 44.660475 36.885957 18.994951 67.980436 ... 20 7.29 7.45 7.18 3.23 Cons 58.333333 4.166667 37.500000 not avail
21 E09000022 Lambeth Inner London 313800 134512.450200 2681.0 117.055632 33.862641 17.899970 74.455090 ... 33.2 7.09 7.40 6.97 3.69 Lab 4.761905 93.650794 0.000000 32
22 E09000023 Lewisham Inner London 286000 120439.358900 3514.9 81.366697 34.540168 20.620499 69.996836 ... 42 7.23 7.71 7.13 3.35 Lab 0.000000 98.148148 0.000000 37.2
23 E09000024 Merton Outer London 205400 81047.637240 3762.5 54.603478 36.262610 20.203379 67.896608 ... 25.5 7.18 7.54 7.13 3.59 Lab 33.333333 60.000000 1.666667 41
24 E09000025 Newham Inner London 323400 107793.332200 3619.8 89.338992 31.423439 22.508503 70.809763 ... 24.1 7.22 7.51 7.32 3.36 Lab 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 40.62
25 E09000026 Redbridge Outer London 289900 103053.713300 5641.9 51.374341 35.531757 22.684198 65.238253 ... 16.2 7.28 7.44 7.34 3.12 Lab 39.682540 55.555556 4.761905 39.7
26 E09000027 Richmond upon Thames Outer London 191300 81353.161690 5740.7 33.331460 38.290205 20.202975 65.548776 ... 19.9 7.42 7.69 7.33 3.56 Cons 72.222222 0.000000 27.777778 46.3
27 E09000028 Southwark Inner London 298400 124613.892000 2886.2 103.403127 33.754401 18.507644 73.722633 ... 31.8 7.27 7.68 7.20 3.28 Lab 3.174603 76.190476 20.634921 not avail
28 E09000029 Sutton Outer London 196400 80748.477060 4384.7 44.802887 38.310437 20.151661 64.951011 ... 25.8 7.25 7.57 7.13 3.34 Lib Dem 16.666667 0.000000 83.333333 42.2
29 E09000030 Tower Hamlets Inner London 271100 109280.540100 1978.1 137.067542 31.064282 19.602621 74.531880 ... 24.3 7.28 7.56 7.32 2.93 Tower Hamlets First 15.555556 44.444444 0.000000 not avail
30 E09000031 Waltham Forest Outer London 267700 100524.458900 3880.8 68.970286 34.502988 21.784829 68.105760 ... 29.9 7.24 7.72 7.26 2.99 Lab 26.666667 73.333333 0.000000 not avail
31 E09000032 Wandsworth Inner London 311800 131562.012900 3426.4 91.009107 34.414955 17.342442 73.693151 ... 25.5 7.23 7.55 7.28 3.55 Cons 68.333333 31.666667 0.000000 not avail
32 E09000033 Westminster Inner London 226600 108550.111900 2148.7 105.457732 36.729055 14.781940 73.924420 ... 21.2 7.09 7.44 7.09 3.58 Cons 73.333333 26.666667 0.000000 not avail

33 rows × 76 columns

Lots of different features. We also have really odd NaN values such as x and not avail. We can try and get rid of this.

def isnumber(x):
        return True
        if (len(x) > 1) & ("not avail" not in x):
            return True
            return False

# apply isnumber function to every element
df = df[df.applymap(isnumber)]
Code Area/INDICATOR Inner/ Outer London GLA Population Estimate 2013 GLA Household Estimate 2013 Inland Area (Hectares) Population density (per hectare) 2013 Average Age, 2013 Proportion of population aged 0-15, 2013 Proportion of population of working-age, 2013 ... Teenage conception rate (2012) Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10) Worthwhileness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Happiness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Anxiety score 2012-13 (out of 10) Political control in council Proportion of seats won by Conservatives in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Labour in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Lib Dems in 2014 election Turnout at 2014 local elections
0 E09000001 City of London Inner London 8000 4514.371383 290.4 27.525868 41.303887 7.948036 77.541617 ... NaN 8.10 8.23 7.44 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 E09000002 Barking and Dagenham Outer London 195600 73261.408580 3610.8 54.160527 33.228935 26.072939 63.835021 ... 35.4 7.06 7.57 6.97 3.3 Lab 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 38.16
2 E09000003 Barnet Outer London 370000 141385.794900 8674.8 42.651374 36.896246 20.886408 65.505593 ... 14.7 7.35 7.79 7.27 2.63 Cons 50.793651 42.857143 1.587302 41.1
3 E09000004 Bexley Outer London 236500 94701.226400 6058.1 39.044243 38.883039 20.282830 63.146450 ... 25.8 7.47 7.75 7.21 3.22 Cons 71.428571 23.809524 0.000000 NaN
4 E09000005 Brent Outer London 320200 114318.553900 4323.3 74.063670 35.262694 20.462585 68.714872 ... 19.6 7.23 7.32 7.09 3.33 Lab 9.523810 88.888889 1.587302 33

5 rows × 76 columns

That looks much cleaner. The missing values are all NaN now. This will help us fill them in and/or address them in some way.

# get only numeric columns
numericColumns = df._get_numeric_data()
GLA Population Estimate 2013 GLA Household Estimate 2013 Inland Area (Hectares) Population density (per hectare) 2013 Average Age, 2013 Proportion of population aged 0-15, 2013 Proportion of population of working-age, 2013 Proportion of population aged 65 and over, 2013 % of population from BAME groups (2013) % people aged 3+ whose main language is not English (2011 census) ... Average Public Transport Accessibility score, 2012 Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010 Rank of Average Score Income Support claimant rate (Feb-14) Rates of Children Looked After (2013) Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10) Worthwhileness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Happiness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Proportion of seats won by Conservatives in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Labour in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Lib Dems in 2014 election
0 8000 4514.371383 290.4 27.525868 41.303887 7.948036 77.541617 14.510348 22.557238 17.138103 ... 7.631205 262 0.527983 98 8.10 8.23 7.44 NaN NaN NaN
1 195600 73261.408580 3610.8 54.160527 33.228935 26.072939 63.835021 10.092040 45.712357 18.724201 ... 2.994817 22 4.041773 76 7.06 7.57 6.97 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000
2 370000 141385.794900 8674.8 42.651374 36.896246 20.886408 65.505593 13.607999 37.148811 23.405037 ... 2.994527 176 1.736905 37 7.35 7.79 7.27 50.793651 42.857143 1.587302
3 236500 94701.226400 6058.1 39.044243 38.883039 20.282830 63.146450 16.570720 19.620095 6.031289 ... 2.513007 174 2.236355 47 7.47 7.75 7.21 71.428571 23.809524 0.000000
4 320200 114318.553900 4323.3 74.063670 35.262694 20.462585 68.714872 10.822543 64.948141 37.151120 ... 3.702753 35 2.256102 49 7.23 7.32 7.09 9.523810 88.888889 1.587302

5 rows × 41 columns

# the above piece of code is throwing a lot of features out for not being a numeric column. The resulting frame has 41 features, however, we would expect more.
# upon a bit of debugging, we found out that --  df._get_numeric_data() -- a Pandas function -- has a minor bug in inferring which columns are numeric when the first value of a column is a missing value, i.e., 'NaN' value. 
# This meant that some columns that are numeric were removed from the dataset even though they are numeric. 

# this next piece of code is addressing that now and also fills in the missing values with the mean() value of a column

for column_name, column in df.items():
        df[column_name] = df[column_name].fillna(df[column_name].mean())
        print("Column:", column_name, " is not a numeric column")
Column: Code  is not a numeric column
Column: Area/INDICATOR  is not a numeric column
Column: Inner/ Outer London  is not a numeric column
Column: Largest migrant population by country of birth (2013)  is not a numeric column
Column: Second largest migrant population by country of birth (2013)  is not a numeric column
Column: Third largest migrant population by country of birth (2013)  is not a numeric column
Column: Political control in council  is not a numeric column
# get only numeric columns
numericColumns = df._get_numeric_data()
GLA Population Estimate 2013 GLA Household Estimate 2013 Inland Area (Hectares) Population density (per hectare) 2013 Average Age, 2013 Proportion of population aged 0-15, 2013 Proportion of population of working-age, 2013 Proportion of population aged 65 and over, 2013 % of resident population born abroad (2013) % of largest migrant population (2013) ... Female life expectancy, (2010-12) Teenage conception rate (2012) Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10) Worthwhileness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Happiness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Anxiety score 2012-13 (out of 10) Proportion of seats won by Conservatives in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Labour in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Lib Dems in 2014 election Turnout at 2014 local elections
0 8000 4514.371383 290.4 27.525868 41.303887 7.948036 77.541617 14.510348 35.883871 5.194357 ... 83.809375 25.728125 8.10 8.23 7.44 3.284688 32.854444 56.615819 6.598065 39.054783
1 195600 73261.408580 3610.8 54.160527 33.228935 26.072939 63.835021 10.092040 35.789474 5.814975 ... 82.000000 35.400000 7.06 7.57 6.97 3.300000 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 38.160000
2 370000 141385.794900 8674.8 42.651374 36.896246 20.886408 65.505593 13.607999 35.854342 2.234626 ... 84.500000 14.700000 7.35 7.79 7.27 2.630000 50.793651 42.857143 1.587302 41.100000
3 236500 94701.226400 6058.1 39.044243 38.883039 20.282830 63.146450 16.570720 16.450216 2.169910 ... 84.400000 25.800000 7.47 7.75 7.21 3.220000 71.428571 23.809524 0.000000 39.054783
4 320200 114318.553900 4323.3 74.063670 35.262694 20.462585 68.714872 10.822543 53.307393 10.717273 ... 84.500000 19.600000 7.23 7.32 7.09 3.330000 9.523810 88.888889 1.587302 33.000000

5 rows × 69 columns

Now we have 69 columns. Looks much better than 41, we can move on!

::: callout-warning

Reflect here whether the mean() replacements for missing values taht we did above is sensible and/or would work for each and every column here. You might need more sophisticated methods for filling in some of the missing values, e.g., using a model-based approach to ‘predict’ a value.

from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances

# keep place names and store them in a variable
placeNames = df["Area/INDICATOR"]

# if we hadn't done it, we could have filled in the missing values also here.
# numericColumns = numericColumns.fillna(numericColumns.mean())

# let's centralize the data
numericColumns -= numericColumns.mean()

Check to make sure everything looks ok.

GLA Population Estimate 2013 GLA Household Estimate 2013 Inland Area (Hectares) Population density (per hectare) 2013 Average Age, 2013 Proportion of population aged 0-15, 2013 Proportion of population of working-age, 2013 Proportion of population aged 65 and over, 2013 % of resident population born abroad (2013) % of largest migrant population (2013) ... Female life expectancy, (2010-12) Teenage conception rate (2012) Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10) Worthwhileness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Happiness score 2012-13 (out of 10) Anxiety score 2012-13 (out of 10) Proportion of seats won by Conservatives in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Labour in 2014 election Proportion of seats won by Lib Dems in 2014 election Turnout at 2014 local elections
0 -247760.606061 -97761.616805 -4473.681818 -43.279630 5.426932 -11.500067 8.480871 3.019196 0.000000 0.000000 ... -1.421085e-14 -3.552714e-15 0.816364 0.651212 0.23303 8.881784e-16 0.000000 0.000000 -8.881784e-16 7.105427e-15
1 -60160.606061 -29014.579608 -1153.281818 -16.644971 -2.648021 6.624837 -5.225725 -1.399112 -0.094397 0.620617 ... -1.809375e+00 9.671875e+00 -0.223636 -0.008788 -0.23697 1.531250e-02 -32.854444 43.384181 -6.598065e+00 -8.947826e-01
2 114239.393939 39109.806712 3910.718182 -28.154125 1.019290 1.438305 -3.555153 2.116847 -0.029529 -2.959732 ... 6.906250e-01 -1.102813e+01 0.066364 0.211212 0.06303 -6.546875e-01 17.939207 -13.758676 -5.010764e+00 2.045217e+00
3 -19260.606061 -7574.761788 1294.018182 -31.761255 3.006083 0.834727 -5.914296 5.079569 -19.433655 -3.024448 ... 5.906250e-01 7.187500e-02 0.186364 0.171212 0.00303 -6.468750e-02 38.574127 -32.806295 -6.598065e+00 7.105427e-15
4 64439.393939 12042.565712 -440.781818 3.258171 -0.614262 1.014482 -0.345874 -0.668608 17.423522 5.522915 ... 6.906250e-01 -6.128125e+00 -0.053636 -0.258788 -0.11697 4.531250e-02 -23.330634 32.273070 -5.010764e+00 -6.054783e+00

5 rows × 69 columns

We can plot out our many dimension space by uncommenting the code below (also note down how long does this take).

#import seaborn as sns
#sns_plot = sns.pairplot(numericColumns)

Given that this takes quite a while (around 10 minutes), this is the image that would result from uncommenting and running the code above.

Dimension reduction will help us here!

21.2 Multidimensional scaling

We could apply various different types of dimension reduction here. We are specifically going to capture the dissimilarity in the data using multidimensional scaling. We will need a distance matrix to start here.

from sklearn import manifold

# Here, we compute the euclidean distances between the columns by passing the same data twice
# the resulting data matrix will now have the pairwise distances between the boroughs.
# CAUTION: note that we are now building a distance matrix in a high-dimensional data space
# remember the Curse of Dimensionality -- we need to be cautious with the distance values
distMatrix = euclidean_distances(numericColumns, numericColumns)

# for instance, typing distMatrix.shape on the console gives:
# Out[115]: (38, 38) # i.e., the number of rows

# first we generate an MDS object and extract the projections
mds = manifold.MDS(n_components = 2, max_iter=3000, n_init=1, dissimilarity="precomputed", normalized_stress=False)
Y = mds.fit_transform(distMatrix)

To interpret what is happening, let us plot the boroughs on the projected two dimensional space.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(15, 15)
plt.suptitle('MDS on only London boroughs')
ax.scatter(Y[:, 0], Y[:, 1], c="#D06B36", s = 100, alpha = 0.8, linewidth=0)

for i, txt in enumerate(placeNames):
    ax.annotate(txt, (Y[:, 0][i],Y[:, 1][i]))

Here, we are projecting all the numeric variables, so it is difficult to get a sense of what these components represent and how to interpret the visualisation. We may want to project only a subset of features.

Feature selection

Feature selection is not straightforward and it is always a decision made by us informed by something (i.e. measures, literature –refer to the slides from last week). Below we will be embedding (machine learners’ word for projection) two different sets of features for you to compare.

21.2.1 Feature selection: Happiness

In the example below, we are selecting happiness metrics. Pulling these out of our data and carrying out more multidimensional scaling can help us see how the boroughs differ in happiness.


The decision of selecting the features Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10), Worthwhileness score 2012-13 (out of 10) and Happiness score 2012-13 (out of 10) is not based on any numerical decision, but it is based on the semantics of the variables. In other words, these three variables provide different perspectives to describe how happy people are in the different neighbourhoods.

# get the data columns relating to emotions and feelings
dataOnEmotions = numericColumns[["Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10)", "Worthwhileness score 2012-13 (out of 10)","Happiness score 2012-13 (out of 10)"]]

# a new distance matrix to represent "emotional distance"s
distMatrix2 = euclidean_distances(dataOnEmotions, dataOnEmotions)

# compute a new "embedding" (machine learners' word for projection)
Y2 = mds.fit_transform(distMatrix2)

# let's look at the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(15, 15)
plt.suptitle('An \"emotional\" look at London boroughs')
ax.scatter(Y2[:, 0], Y2[:, 1], c="#D06B36", s = 100, alpha = 0.8, linewidth=0)

for i, txt in enumerate(placeNames):
    ax.annotate(txt, (Y2[:, 0][i],Y2[:, 1][i]))

The location of the different boroughs on the 2 dimensional multidimensional scaling space from the happiness metrics is

results_fixed = Y2.copy()
[[-0.96842689 -0.45475988]
 [ 0.30884742  0.15179769]
 [-0.16691283 -0.15803682]
 [-0.10177693 -0.25768786]
 [ 0.05785895  0.27427657]
 [-0.19834493 -0.41277366]
 [ 0.16569283  0.13333937]
 [ 0.24063752  0.21942675]
 [-0.18913393  0.08113099]
 [-0.1598099   0.04904532]
 [ 0.13658172  0.1767544 ]
 [ 0.19499445  0.26719731]
 [ 0.29875164  0.0257805 ]
 [ 0.11141595  0.13492429]
 [ 0.04459044 -0.14066626]
 [-0.02600529 -0.16833037]
 [-0.06882347 -0.1317033 ]
 [-0.03540934 -0.0644621 ]
 [ 0.22277681  0.50326906]
 [-0.38808697 -0.47422441]
 [ 0.1254132   0.01958298]
 [ 0.18626664  0.30951748]
 [-0.07094936  0.07075891]
 [ 0.07928372  0.10396892]
 [ 0.06468159 -0.04256096]
 [ 0.12678319 -0.10240873]
 [-0.07785182 -0.21537067]
 [-0.0153771  -0.065743  ]
 [ 0.05253965  0.05991075]
 [-0.02558256 -0.03995683]
 [-0.10504585 -0.05529746]
 [ 0.0201215  -0.01035603]
 [ 0.16029994  0.21365705]]
(33, 2)

We may want to look at if the general happiness rating captures the position of the boroughs. To do this, we need to assign colours based on the binned happiness score.

import numpy as np

colorMappingValuesHappiness = np.asarray(dataOnEmotions[["Life satisfaction score 2012-13 (out of 10)"]]).flatten()

#c = colorMappingValuesCrime, cmap = plt.cm.Greens
array([ 0.81636364, -0.22363636,  0.06636364,  0.18636364, -0.05363636,
        0.34636364, -0.06363636, -0.28363636, -0.04363636, -0.10363636,
       -0.12363636, -0.21363636, -0.05363636, -0.08363636,  0.05636364,
        0.11636364,  0.06636364,  0.01636364, -0.20363636,  0.39636364,
        0.00636364, -0.19363636, -0.05363636, -0.10363636, -0.06363636,
       -0.00363636,  0.13636364, -0.01363636, -0.03363636, -0.00363636,
       -0.04363636, -0.05363636, -0.19363636])

Finally, we can plot this. What can you see?

# let's look at the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(15, 15)
plt.suptitle('An \"emotional\" look at London boroughs')
#ax.scatter(results_fixed[:, 0], results_fixed[:, 1], c = colorMappingValuesHappiness, cmap='viridis')
plt.scatter(results_fixed[:, 0], results_fixed[:, 1], c = colorMappingValuesHappiness, s = 100, cmap=plt.cm.Greens)

for i, txt in enumerate(placeNames):
    ax.annotate(txt, (results_fixed[:, 0][i],results_fixed[:, 1][i]))

21.2.2 Feature selection: diversity

Similarly, we are now selecting features based on diveristy.

# get the data columns relating to indicators that we think are related to "diversity" in one way or the other
dataOnDiversity = numericColumns[["Proportion of population aged 0-15, 2013", "Proportion of population of working-age, 2013", "Proportion of population aged 65 and over, 2013", "% of population from BAME groups (2013)", "% people aged 3+ whose main language is not English (2011 census)"]]

# a new distance matrix to represent distances in "diversity"
distMatrix3 = euclidean_distances(dataOnDiversity, dataOnDiversity)

mds = manifold.MDS(n_components = 2, max_iter=3000, n_init=1, dissimilarity="precomputed", normalized_stress = False)
Y = mds.fit_transform(distMatrix3)

# Visualising the data.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(15, 15)
plt.suptitle('A \"diversity\" look at London boroughs')
ax.scatter(Y[:, 0], Y[:, 1], s = 100, c = colorMappingValuesHappiness, cmap=plt.cm.Greens)

for i, txt in enumerate(placeNames):
    ax.annotate(txt, (Y[:, 0][i],Y[:, 1][i]))

21.3 It is now your turn!

It is your turn now

First task:

This looks very different to the one above on “emotion” related variables. Our job now is to relate these two projections to one another. Do you see similarities? Do you see clusters of boroughs? Can you reflect on how you can relate and combine these two maps conceptually?

Second task:

Can you think of and then generate other maps that you can produce with this data? Have a look at the variables once again and try to produce new “perspectives” to the data and see what they have to say.

Also think of visualisations to help you here, can you colour them with a different variable? What would that change?